January 24, 2006

Stay Until...

Christ's last words before ascension: "And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high". (Luke 24:49)

And so they did. They were "all with one mind continually devoting themselves to prayer". And on the appointed day, they were all together in one place. They found the place they needed to be and they stayed there. How often I fail to do this very thing. How often have I missed the whisper of divine breezes because I was in too much a hurry? How often missed the passion brought by the kiss of the flame?

Come to me...wait upon me...Stay with me...how many ways must I hear before I really listen? Before I understand that to experience all God has for me I must come, I must wait, I must stay.


Janaconda said...
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crystal said...

That a good point, Twyla ... waiting seems like one of the hardest things for me to do.

Meredith said...


Come to me...wait upon me...Stay with me

Doesn't this sound like a lover achingly calling for you?

I love to imagine God's longing for all of us to be like this.

We can answer a plea such as this with meditation, or meditative prayer. This is a loving way of coming to, waiting upon, and staying with.