February 19, 2006


I share Marjorie's scepticism re 'healings'; it seems clear that many healings we have heard about are spurious. I don't know about the biblical ones; in that respect I suspose that I'm something of an agnostic.

However I can witness healings in my own life:

I had been told by the head of the Department of Internal Medicine at Bowman Gray Medical Center that I had emphysema (an incurable malady). At a certain point the symptoms became prominent. At that time Ellie and I were in a really 'high powered' Christian sharing group; many beautiful things were happening. Remembering James' admonition 5:14 "Is any sick among you?" I asked this group for that service.

They laid hands on me and prayed. A few days later I returned to the doctor to find the result of tests he had made. He said I had no problem.

That seemed remarkable but even more remarkable was something that happened after that prayer service. We noticed a strange women leaning against the wall and crying. Dear ladies went out to her and learned that she had attempted suicide the week before. Soon we had her in the chair and prayed for her.

Her suicidal depression appears to be lifted and she became an active and victorious member of that group.

Doctors tell us that half of their patients have imaginary (or at least psychosomatic) ailments. That patient's state of mind has a great bearing on their health. (for years I've been telling doctors that visiting them will make me feel better for at least the next three months!).

Many of these faith healings may concern such cases, which doesn't make them any the less real.

Re biblical healing I have a completely open mind: not enough evidence. Re life's experiences: that's another matter.


crystal said...

Larry, I'm glad you're well now :-)

When I think of healings, I imagine those weird snake-oil salesmen, I guess. I've read that people can heal themselves through guided imagery and there are tons of examples of sudden remissions of disease, but to see someone lay hands on another and instantly heal them makes me feel ... disturbed, I guess. Not sure why.

Zach Alexander said...

I think you're right to be tentative about these kinds of healings, e.g. thinking it possible that many may be psychosomatic.

However I think it is probably hard to draw a line between divine healing and psychosomatic healing. If you are healed after a powerful psychological/social/spiritual experience such as the one you described, perhaps it is psychosomatic, but couldn't we also say that those people really showed you God's love and kindness? Maybe that is more than just a manner of speaking; maybe the psychosomatic can be a vehicle for the divine.

Larry Clayton said...

Right, Zach; I draw no distinction between divine and psychosomatic healing. We are confronted with the divine at every moment.