April 09, 2007

Mark 10.13-17

They brought children for him to touch; and the disciples scolded them for it. But when Jesus this he was indignant, and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." And he put his arms round them, laid his hands upon them, and blessed them.

1 comment:

forrest said...

Having known children, having been a child myself, it's hard for me to be sentimental about them. Yes, they are sweet in cuddly-mode, but I doubt that is the point of this passage.

Differences from adults? (Often) less-informed, more trusting and credulous and easily fooled? Probably not that either, though some people would no-doubt prefer us that way.

Low status, in 0 AD Mediterranean societies. No claim to rank or formalities. Simply themselves, as a rule (though they can certainly be trained to give performances and brag about their possessions & trivial accomplishments, just like adults.)

More to the point: children of God. "I love him, not because he is good, but because he is my little child."