June 06, 2011

What It Is About John...

To make this project worthwhile, we need to look at an actual bit of scripture now & then. Not just skim the high points, but consider it in detail. And the trouble is, very little of this book holds up very well if I look at it honestly. It says some good things about Jesus, but I don't find him here.

Likewise, we ought to be finding something to help us better know God... and so there's little point in just trashing passages for not doing that for me.

So what is it, that makes this book so widely and deeply loved-- and so uncongenial to me? Looking ahead for some oasis of inspiration...

The good part is that saying that "I and my Father are one." Taken with a few other passages, it leaves room for the mystical sense that this One is our Father as well, that any human being can be/is essentially one with God.

Aside from that, I'm finding a whole lot of "I'm special, and if you agree that I'm special, so are you!!!"

One hesitates to disagree. But that guy I know came from God, he's back hiding out in the synoptic gospels.

Let's go there.


Y said...

you are so right! most people today do not understand that mankind will always be under someone elses heel. when man was throw out of eden, our father said that we would have sufferidge..when jesus was here he told us that there would be the sick,poor,homeless.."lost" i alway reminded people that sometimes we forget that we are at war not only our worst enemy ourselfs but with satan and all of his followers. thank you so much...

forrest said...

Hi, Y!

Mankind does seem to be generally under mankind's heel. But we aren't supposed to do that; it isn't supposed to have to be that way! We keep waiting...

Anyway, glad your computer's working!