a few points ... that the romans (soldiers) were involved in Jesus' arrest ... that Jesus is God (my version has him saying "I AM" instead of "I am he") ... that though Jesus was betrayed, he went willingly.
new light -
I hadn't remembered that Jesus said "I AM" or that this caused the soldiers to fall down.
truth -
the Jesus in this passage does seem like the Jesus I've come to know ... brave, self-sacrificing, concerned about the welfare of others.
implications -
this reminds me that there are things more important than physical survival.
problems -
no problems, really ... though the story-line is disturbing because Jesus' friend betrayed him.

The whole thing is very disturbing to me, Crystel. For that reason I've pretty generally chosen to avoid what's known as the 'Passion'.
Hi Larry - I understand. I've come to it with a different perspective becaue of that retreat I took. They emphasize the need to stick with the person you love (Jesus) through the bad thing that's going to happen to him. Just another way of viewing it ... vive le difference :-)
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