July 02, 2005

Put Away Thy Sword (L)

The first thing I notice in this passage is that John has not used the gripping Gethsemane passage of the three Synoptic gospels; that holds special interest to me for showing once again the Master's relationship with God (his essential humanity) and the disciples' lack of awareness.

'Peter's sword' has a special lesson for modern Christians, especially for us Quakers, most of whom have developed an outstanding peaceable consciousness. When it becomes a matter of letting yourself be violated or defending yourself, what will you do?

1 comment:

crystal said...

The stuff about Peter's sword is interesting. In Matthew, J says the thing about living and dying by the sword, but in Luke, he saytells the disciples that if they don't have a sword, they should sell their cloak to buy one (Luke 22:36) ... what's that all about?

There are peace-nik catholics too ... one of my favorite sites is Pax Christi.