October 30, 2005

The child

We come now to a series of sayings which contain
the child:

4 Jesus said: The man aged in his days will not
hesitate to ask a little child of seven days about
the place of life, and he shall live. For there
are many first who shall be last, and they shall
become a single one.

21 Mary said to Jesus: Whom are thy disciples like?
He said They are like little children dwelling in a
field which is not theirs. When the owners of the
field come, they will say: Yield up to us our field.
They are naked before them, to yield it up to them
and to give them back their field. Therefore I say:
If the master of the house knows that the thief is
coming, he will keep watch before he comes, and
will not let him dig into his house of his kingdom
to carry off his vessels. You, then, be watchful
over against the world. Gird up your loins with
great strength, that the brigands may not find a
way to come at you, since the advantage for which
you look they will find. May there be among you a
man of understanding! When the fruit was ripe, he
came quickly, his sickle in his hand, and reaped
it. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

[22 has already been extensively commented on,
but included here in the interests of consistency.
22 Jesus saw some infants at the breast. He said
to his disciples: These little ones at the breast
are like those who enter into the kingdom. They
said to him: If we then be children, shall we
enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them: When you
make the two one , and when you make the inside
as the outside, and the outside as the inside,
and the upper side as the lower; and when you make
the male and the female into a single one , that
the male be not male and the female female; when
you make eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand
in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot,
an image in place of an image, then shall you
enter [the kingdom].

37 His disciples said: On what day wilt thou be
revealed to us, and on what day shall we see thee?
Jesus said: When you unclothe yourselves and are
not ashamed, and take your garments and lay them
beneath your feet like little children, and tread
upon them, then [shall ye see] the Son of the
living One, and ye shall not fear.

46 Jesus said: From Adam to John the Baptist
there is none born of woman who is higher than
John the Baptist, so that his eyes will not be
broken (?) But I have said, He who shall be
among you as a little one shall know the kingdom,
and shall be higher than John.

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