October 03, 2005

The Family


Some of these are zen-like: 55 and 101 might
best be taken together; 99 is almost
identical with Luke 14:26 .

I'm especially interested in 25.

(25) Jesus said: Love thy brother as thy
soul; keep him as the apple of thine eye.

(55) Jesus said: He who shall not hate his
father and his mother cannot be my disciple,
and (he who does not) hate his brethren and
his sisters and take up his cross like me
shall not be worthy of me.

(99) The disciples said to him: Thy brethren
and thy mother are standing outside. He said
to them: Those here who do the will of my
Father, these are my brethren and my mother;
these are they who shall enter into the
kingdom of my Father.

(101) Jesus said He who shall not hate his
father and mother like me cannot be my
[disciple], and he who shall [not] love [his
father] and his mother like me cannot be my
[disciple]; for my mother [. ..] but my true
[mother] gave me life.

(105) Jesus said: He who shall know father
and mother shall be called the son of a

1 comment:

Paul said...

Sometimes I really wonder about those disciples. Maybe there was a lot of background noise, they sometimes had trouble hearing... Certainly Jesus did't have a mike, maybe he was rather soft-spoken...

Do you think this sort of take could represent a new approach to exegesis?