August 20, 2006

membership request

We have received a request to join our skripture study. This is Forrest Curo from San Diego Meeting. Forrest likes Jacques Ellul which makes him okay in my books.

I'm asking for input from the two other extant members: Crystal and Larry. Respond in reply to this post. If you would prefer private response my email is


Larry Clayton said...

No problem here.

crystal said...

The more, the merrier :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad. I'm not sure if I'm through the mechanics of this, yet, so lets try this.

I would like a little more information on protocol here. We all read through the scheduled section and anyone who feels so moved posts what comes to mind?

Hmmm, I followed the link, got a blogger account (I thought), perhaps didn't complete the process? (All that was on the work computer downstairs, which I've since turned off.) Suggestions?

forrest said...

Okay, this ought to work. (Sorry for the confusion.)

Why I'm here... When I was at Pendle Hill (a good place) our Synoptic Gospels teacher took us to Marsha Praeger's Jewish Renewal synagogue in Philadelphia. Several of us started crying; it felt so perfect--and one was my wife ("Meditations on the Prayer of St. Francis", published as a Pendle Hill pamphlet a few years ago, that Anne Curo.) The two of us went to services there most of our subsequent Saturdays, Anne responding most to the chanting, me to the Torah study. The Torah study was much like our Pendle Hill classes, very devout & very free at once.

When I study with a group like that, it's like God is teaching us through each other. (Like Quaker meeting is supposed to be, but hasn't been for me for some time--whatever that may mean--except for yearly meeting, where I somehow connect better.) I've got a tiny group reading (various books) together once a week downstairs in the Theosophists' store, but we're too small a group and can't always reach those holy wows I like.

Pendle Hill? I went there after my religious bookstore went broke (favorite store of one Comparative Religions prof, while it lasted) and I'd turned my street newspaper over to someone crazy enough to keep publishing it, and we'd sold our house, and lived awhile in a friend's living room.

That year, just before we went to yearly meeting, I'd written up a sort of honest resume, and Anne's comment was: "You aren't going to show THAT to anyone, are you?" So I didn't, but I was looking for whatever assignment might come next for us, and we kept running into a most encouraging young woman who'd come out to recruit students from Pacific Yearly Meeting.

I'd been an activist on issues of poverty & homelessness; it felt like the most obvious, urgent task for anyone who took Christianity (or Judaism, or Islam for that matter) seriously--and yet very few others felt that same urgency. If I couldn't change that--and it wasn't happening, that I could see--then something was very spiritually wrong, either with them or with me, and I'd better try to approach the problem on that level. Hence the religious bookstore, hence letting go the monthly street paper, hence Pendle Hill. Now this. Hello.

crystal said...


Hi - glad you've decided to join :-)

Yes, that is how we have proceeded in the past - usually David will post a passage, and those that feel like it will post their own take on it, or if they'd rather, they may just comment on what he's posted.

To post something (as you've probably already figured out), you go to the blogger dashboard, sign in, click on the "new post" button, and a page will come up on which you can write.

Once again, welcome.

Unknown said...

Howdy Forrest!

Welcome. Sorry. I figured if you found us you were already fluent with teh blogger stuff.

Sounds like you will be an interesting addition. You have been given administrative rights -- which includes making your own postings (and not just comments) and power over the delete key on otehr folk's postings. Our general practice for the delete key is to tolerate anything that isn't abusive or spam -- so don't worry -- you likely won't need it.