January 26, 2005

Howdy Crystal II

Like David, I'm responding to your post about the woman at the well. Yes, I feel like the woman at the well, too, Crystal, and I also feel like Christ talking to her.

Wallflowers! For some strange reason my fate, and perhaps Christian calling has so often been to relate to the one nobody else wants to talk to. In fact at the Church of the Saviour, when I first went there, Old Louise (about my age at present) had started a sharing group for the outsiders; I was one of them. They became a mighty force in that church, but one of the church executives asked me suspiciously why I spent all my time with those on the periphery.


crystal said...

Hi Larry :-). I think one of the things I like best about Jesus is that he paid attention to those people who were marginal in society ... the wallflowers.

Marjorie said...

I've started to wonder if anyone feels like an insider. We're all outsides in one way or another -- or at least in one circumstance or another. I'm very similar in many ways, but I feel like an outsider, too. This is what leads me to wonder if the insiders feel like outsiders.

Anyway, to me its always shades of being in the world but not of it. Its hard to feel like an outsider (and my 'outsiderness' has always been by choice, so I probably have no right to even speak on the issue), but I think those are the places where you grow closer to God.