This line I've always liked, though I'm not sure I understand it. Someone once asked in another forum why some christians pray that their ill loved ones will get well ... if they believe in heaven, shouldn't they be ok with their loved one dying? This line came to mind when I saw that question. I take it to mean that Jesus thinks earthly life is precious, that it isn't just a rehersal for the afterlife but that it has value in itself and that God wants us to live this life to the fullest. I can't say I know exactly what Jesus meant by having life more abundantly but I thought I'd quote someone, who just died today, on what constitutes the abundant life...
... the primacy of being over having, of the person over things. This renewed lifestyle involves a passing from indifference to concern for others, from rejection to acceptance of them.

It would be nice if religion was more like how religious people believe and less like how we live.
Thank-you for the quotation from Pope John Paul II.
I believe we all can live more abundantly than we are, and as Jesus comes into our lives, we do.
I love that line, also. For me, it speaks to the richness of a life in spirit - everything seems to be a gift when we are awake to God's abundance...the vast sky with ever changing cloudscapes, the soft rain today, the amazing spring blossoms, the croak of the frogs, the softness of a purring kitten, the presence of precious loved ones in our lives.. the all of our existence. This is heaven, right here, right now. And when we realize this, we begin to create a life of greater compassion, concern and loving acceptance of others and ourselves. This is the primacy of Being Pope John Paul embodied.
Blessings to you, Crystal
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