November 28, 2005

The Last "Strange Sayings"

84) Jesus said: When you see your likeness, you rejoice; but when you see your images which came into being before you -- they neither die nor are made manifest -- how much will you bear?

(88) Jesus said: The angels come to you, and the prophets, and they shall give you what belongs to you; and you also, give what is in your hands, and say to yourselves: On what day do they come and take what is theirs?

(92) Jesus said: Seek, and ye shall find ; but those things concerning which ye asked me in those days, I did not tell you then. Now I wish to tell them, and ye seek not after them.

(98) Jesus said: The kingdom of the Father is like a man who wanted to kill a great man. He drew the sword in his house and drove it into the wall, that he might know that his hand would be strong. Then he slew the great man.

(I08) Jesus said: He who shall drink from my mouth shall become like me; I myself will become he, and the hidden thing shall be revealed to him.

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