November 09, 2005

Where I'm At and Another Gathering

I am the ghost of bloggers past....

Hello, my dear friends. I don't know why I kept falling away, but I always come back. I'd like to respond to Larry's post about Another Gathering. I don't feel resistant to Thomas, I'm just not terribly interested in the Bible right now, which is why I'm not around much. I enjoy commenting on other members' posts, but I don't have much to say on this topic.

However, I am spiritually seeking. I feel as if I'm shifting and changing and I'd really like to talk about that here with you, if that would be acceptable to others. I know when we first began this blog -- one year ago! -- Larry talked about sharing our journeys. I would like to do that -- not to take away from the on-going discussion, but sort of as sidebar chatter and for the opportunity to read your comments.

What say you?


Larry Clayton said...

Surely, Marjorie. Anything you care to say (write) here will be very welcome to me, and, I suspect to the others as well. We're not just 'Thomas nuts'.

Meredith said...

I second that, Marjorie. I'd love to hear of your recent shiftings and changings. I'd really love it.

crystal said...

Bring it on, Marjorie :-). I'd very much like to hear what you have to say.

Marjorie said...

Thank you. Maybe we should change the title of this blog to Bathed in Love, because that how I feel when I'm here...

Zach Alexander said...

This isn't exactly on topic, but I was wondering -- what are the 'rules' or generally agreed upon guidelines of the blog? Are we trying to do Thomas for a set period of time, or until we feel like we're done, or....? And are other texts discouraged in the meantime? I don't have any particular other text I wanted to look at, I was just wondering.

Meredith said...

David is probably better able to answer this question, but I'll try to give you a little direction.

Right now we are studying Thomas. The group has already done James, and John. Since this gospel is laid out differently than most, Larry is grouping logions that seem to relate to one another. Otherwise, we have gone numerically through the gospel, starting at the beginning.

For your posts, you may pick a saying or logion and comment on that, or on a mix of the sayings. It is fine to relate it to other texts or scriptures that remind you of the subject/content.

When we come to an agreed upon conclusion on this gospel, likely we'll have a little vote on which one to do next.

Hope this helps. And again, welcome!