February 03, 2005

Sorry for being absent

(& thank you Mr kwakersaur for your email the other day.)

I hope to be back here in good form soon. I got myself involved in an impromptu study of the references to "waiting worship" in the Bible and it developed into a full blown I don't know what... something!

I started having some of the most remarkable experiences and openings during meetings it is hard to put into words, but I am certain I tapped into the "old school" and found something. It isn't anything all the old-line Friends haven't told us about from days gone by and it isn't something that is world-changing; but I have come to know waiting worship as I never have before and I'm pretty sure it is connected to what I was studying.

The findings and experiences will be put up at my blog over time, and I also can't wait to re-engage here as well.

In the meantime - here's my 15 minutes of fame - this month's Friends Journal published my letter to the Forum titled "Instructing Each Other." Well that's about as famous as I'm likely to get!

Be back soon!


Marjorie said...

Hi RW, I was wondering where you were. How interesting. Is there a link to the Friends Journal?

crystal said...

I'm glad to see you back, RW :-)